Kamis, 22 April 2010

The Way You Look At Me

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could up to
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes say everything without a single word

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You made me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

If i could freeze some moment in my mind
Be the second that you touch your lips to mine
I'd like to stop the clock, make time stand still
'Cause baby, this is just the way I always wanna feel

I dont know how or why I feel different in your eyes
All I know is it happens everytime

The way you look at me

Rabu, 14 April 2010

poor me

i was looking for a time to get closer at least to say "HELLO"

but when i said hello you kept on walking

Kamis, 08 April 2010

i just wanna say...


dari kita untuk kalian

peace, love, and respect

Kamis, 01 April 2010


gue kambuh, jadi orang yg gampang banget rusak moodnya, why? It’s all because of them. Gue kesel sama beberapa orang disekitar gue. Satu dua tiga empat atau mungkin lebih yang selalu buat gue bertanya, “woy ngapain sih lo ngeganggu hidup gua, lo gasuka liat gua seneng?” gue kesel tau….

Ga jarang dimana gue lagi seneng seneng becanda apalah itu namanya tibatiba ada aja setan yang gangguin. Dan tuh orang itu itu mulu. Pernah gue lagi nyante ngobrol eh tibatiba dia nyamber aje kaya kompor. Serasa pengen gue semprot! Dan akhirnya gue yang ngalah, gue yang pergi. Puaskah diri lo? Sigh

Tapi gue bingung sama tu orang, abisan ga sekali duakali dia gitu tp kok akhir akhir ini sering banget dan gue empet liatnya. Dan orang yang lagi ngobrol ama gue itu ya alhasil ngacangin gue lah. Omg… kenapa sih lo? jealous? gasuka? iri? whatever lah bingung gue

Kadang gue pengen berontak sama orang yang ngacangin gue!
Woy gue yang ada di depan lo!
Liat gue!
Gue tau gue emang ga kaya dia!
Tapi hargain gue dong!
Kacrud lu ah!

*miliki teman yang bisa membuatmu tersenyum
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